New Neighbors

I have new neighbors. In fact, they are moving in at this very moment.
I suspect they like gardening – perhaps even as much as I do.
The previous neighbors, those who moved out last week, did not garden very much. I think I recall them having a flowery yard once and that was only because the lawn had not been cut in a few weeks and the weeds put up a little show of small flowers.
But these new neighbors seem like people with green thumbs. They certainly have lots of stuff because I see them carrying in box after box after box. I think I even saw a box labelled “garden” – that’s promising.
Well, I am going to find out. Off I go to lend them a hand.
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Très belles illustrations qui laissent planer tout un scénario . Ces personnes enrobées de verdure sont entourées de mystère et la voiture couverte de plantes donne à un amas de ferrailles sur quatre roues une énième vie .J’espère que les nouveaux voisins seront récompensés pr un bon coup d’arrosage sur leurs jolis vêtements bien parsemés de plantes, ne pas oublier le véhicule recyclé en pots de fleurs. Merci Carlos .