Time for Deadheading

I have been spending plenty of time in the garden deadheading the old blooms.
I guess I must have had a long deadheading session yesterday because this activity made its way into my dreams last night.
In my dream, I walked over to my large poppy and instead of seeing the spent orange poppy flowers that I was expecting, I saw little heads of redheaded people. The started sticking out their tongues out at me and calling me names.
I deadheaded them and made a note to add extra manure to this plant next spring.
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I love strange dreams.
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Quel rêve étrange , quelle histoire sortie de nulle part d’un profond inconscient à étudier . Mais qu’on fait ces coquelicots pour se transformer en vilaines têtes rousses , un peu de considération pour elles et elles apporteront leurs jolies couleurs et leurs corolles comme une jupe froissée , elles egaieron un petit bout de jardin oublié rempli de “mauvaises herbes. Merci Stefan pour ce joli rêve et les belles photos .
Yes – dreams are amazing. took a class on dreams – and learned interesting ways to interpret dreams. I essentially have fun interpreting them my own way.
When you dead head, do you collect the flower heads for seeds? If so, how do you process them. I have been collecting the flower heads of daisies – first to replant, but I got so many, I just put a whole bunch out in the bird feeder.