Finding Peace

I seem to have great ease finding peace lately.
It’s been a pleasure spending lots of time outside, watering, weeding, finishing certain areas and planning the next steps of the garden expansion. This brings me peace.
I am very pleased with recent efforts to take out much of some wild oregano that was overtaking a corner. This is providing some prime gardening grounds. I intend for this corner to be transformed into the core of the herbary over the next few years. This brings me peace.
I have savored the slow evolution of the perennial garden from spring to summer. I am delighted by the gradual transformation of this little oasis. Nature is a wondrous thing. This brings me peace.
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Merci pour ce joli moment passé à te lire. As-tu un banc un peu à l’ombre afin que je puisse venir m’y reposer un instant . Ma pensée s’évade, le chemin est un peu long mais j’hésite un peu. Le besoin de quiétude, de sérénité se ressent , chacun doit découvrir son petit coin de pardis pour venir s’y ressourcer . Les photos de tes fleurs sont superbes. Merci pour le post .