I’m Developing a Slant

As I tend to do during my projects, I am developing a slant.
When I was researching the plants I could cultivate in my herb and medicinal garden, I noticed that I was pulled in one particular direction. I was very interested in herbs that can be used in herbal teas, or tisanes. For some reason, this was the slant that tickled my fancy.
Of course, I will grow the usual herbs that can be used in the kitchen, but I anticipate the herb garden becoming a purveyor of herbal tea.
Leave it to me to develop a slant.
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Comme il est bon de se découvrir d’autres intér^ets dans le jardin de notre vie . Il y a plein de choses à apprendre chacun se doit d’élargir et d’agrandir ses connaissances . Le parfum de chaque plante se mélange aux autres arômes pour donner une autre fragrance qui attire l’entourage et nous donne l’envie de se pencher vers ce que l’on a semé. Qu’il est bon de respirer les senteurs de notre nouveau jardin . Merci Stephan pour le post illustré de si belles photos;