Tips for Keeping Seeds

With good practices, inexpensive packages of seeds can be kept for years and years. How do I do this? Well, here are a few of my tips.
First, find a good source for seeds. I do have my favorite online seed store, but I also pick up packages here and there… like at the grocery store, or the department store, or the home improvement store… [OK, I’m guilty on all counts.]
Since I’m meticulous, I delicately open the packages and retrieve the required number of seeds. I actually use a tiny little round dish (the size of an individual sushi sauce dish) to handle them. I also use makeshift tiny tools such as pins, or toothpicks to manipulate them if needed.
Even if very small, most packages contain lots of seeds. Being meticulous allows me to use only the number of seeds required and save the remainder of the package for later use. Certain packages have provided me with seeds for years. I carefully reseal the package with tape.
I keep my seeds in the fridge. All the packages are placed inside a large zip-lock bag. Depending on your level of meticulousness, you can use medium sized zip-lock bags to keep sub-categories of seeds together. [Yep, I’m guilty again.]
When properly handled, sealed and kept, seeds remain viable for many years. Of course, with time, you may expect a slightly decreasing proportion of them to germinate. Honestly, I have never noticed this. In fact, this year I have decided to plant some seeds from packages I had for years, packages that I have moved with me from house to house. Even after more than a decade, these seeds are still germinating.
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