The Simplicity of Life

Don’t Be Square Doodle 003
We have lost contact with reality, the simplicity of life.
~Paulo Coelho
I believe this quote. I am trying to return to simplicity.
I am buying less. I already have too much “stuff” and I don’t need more. But, living in this consumeristic society makes it difficult. Do you share my perspective?
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Il suffit de quelques crayons pour dessiner quelques lignes , les couleurs donnent une profondeur au doodle . La vie est ainsi , parsemées de petits instants sans trop de fioritures, il suffit parfois de simples nuages traversant le ciel pour y voir toute une petite histoire à fabriquer dans sa tête. Mercipour ce joli doodleet cette joli phrase qui me resseemble .
Merci Joelle. Si vous vivez une vie simple, je dis que c’est très, très bien. À vrai dire, cela ne me surprend pas beaucoup étant donné votre sensibilité et sagesse.
Hi Stefan, my new Twitter pal! 🙂
I wish I could add to the beautiful chain of French commenting, but sadly, I only know English. (boo) Oh wait, I do know a little Okinawan, Hawaiian, and Japanese though, so maybe I can at least offer that: Hai sai! (which means “hello” in Okinawan.) Hau`oli keia hui `ana o kaua (which means, “pleased to meet you” in Hawaiian … I think). Ogenki desuka? (which means, “how are you?” in Japanese. That one I’m sure of). Okay, that’s enough of the Random Languages 101. I love your blog’s tagline, “visual tidbits with a side of words”, and I loved your post even more! I too share your views, and am trying my best to return to simplicity … although, I don’t know if I’ve ever truly lived simply. I’m accustomed to so many luxuries, which I’m totally grateful for, and I’m not sure if I could actually part with some of those things. For instance, this computer and wifi connection I’m using right now; I’d be lost without them! I guess my definition of simplicity may be more about appreciating the simpler, yet most essential things in life. Things like love, gratitude, a breathtaking sunset, helping others–it really is true that the best things in life are free. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and doodles! Have a happy day, and I’ll be seeing you around the Twitter block and blogosphere. :o)
Hi-fives from Maui,
P.S. You’re a mighty fine doodler!