Tips For Keeping Active

It’s a challenge to keep physically active while working on your blog and engaging in social media, all the while juggling your daily activities.
Creating content and engaging in social media is very fun, perhaps even addictive. However, we must be aware how all this time spent in front of a screen is experienced as inertia by our bodies.
Because I enjoy blogging and engaging in social media, I have come up with a few tips that help me mix a bit of movement throughout my day.
- consider scheduling a few posts/tweets to free up some time to mix in other activities
- counter-balance the scheduled content with some set time when you engage in person with your online community
- when you feel creative, write more than one post at a time
- just as you can schedule posts/tweets, you can also schedule time for a walk, or a bike ride, or a repotting session for all those houseplants, or anything else that makes you move
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By keeping your body moving, you keep your mind in motion – and in more ways than one.
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