A Nail on the Wall

As I continue my path to achieve complete mental silence through meditation, I am also discovering my personality type.
I have an addictive personality… I am addicted to thinking. Furthermore, I over-think my past actions as if I were second-guessing the steps I took to get here.
But I remind myself to understand that life is in fact created one step at a time and that past actions can be revisited but cannot be taken back.
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In fact, understanding this is the first step to keep moving forward in a liberating way.
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Belle idée que cette photo . A quoi sert-il planté dans le mur , autant l’enlever . Il est là coincé attendant l’heure qu’on s’intéresse à lui . Il dénature le mur coincé là . Il est temps de le saisir à deux mains pour l’ôter de cet endroit, il ne laissera qu’une petite cicatrice mais il vaut mieux pour le mur qu’il aille dans la poubelle .Le passé est passé et le présent est l’instant à vivre .
Indeed…the past is the past. The time to be is today.