No Thoughts, No Feelings

I have always wanted to be able to meditate, but I struggle with it.
My mind has a mind of its own. At times it wonders about all the things I want to discard.
You see… it is hard for me to put my thoughts at rest and let go of my feelings. I am attached to them – so attached that I am unable to set them aside.
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Yes I did. It was an entire 30 seconds of “no thoughts, no feelings.”
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Joliment écrit et bien dit . Parfois il ne suffit qu’un peu de temps pour se détacher des choses, contempler un coucher de soleil , un champ de fleurs, mais quelque soit l’endroit il faut apprendre que trente secondes un petit vent frais pour vous détacher des choses .
Thank very much for the comments…….Merci..
As I understand it, the way is to let the thoughts comes as they may, notice them and then…let them go! If you start to fixate on a thought, then say your mantra once or twice, which could be a visual image if you want, to remind you to let them go. Before you know it you will have periods of mental silence. Thoughts may come and go but it’s sort of like waves at the sea shore.
Alternatively, I like Joelle’s suggestion above too!
Thank you Pia. I like what you have to say….