Watch the Trickle

The gulley had an important responsibility.
And this responsibility, the gulley took very seriously. The instructions given to it were to let the excess of time and the superfluous past trickle downstream along with the rainwater.
The gulley didn’t understand the purpose of all of this, but it dutifully performed its tasks. But in time, it came to understand the reason for all of this.
One day, seeds that fell from the excess of time and superflous past settled at the bottom of the gulley. These seeds began to thrive and soon were throwing off hundreds of flowers.
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Responsibility is a huge commitment of time and effort, so before taking more on, it is important to think about what is involved.
Stefan, The photography is beautiful.
Thank you Joan. You are right: it is important to know what is involved with responsibilities. At the same time, there may be benefits from these responsibilities that appear like wonderful little surprises, perhaps flowers in the gulley.