Three of Them

Being a bit of a gardener, I have been asked what my favourite flower is.
I never know how to answer. In fact, I never thought I had one favourite flower. I like many, many flowers.
I have already shared how I tend to prefer perennial over annual flowers, but even then, I do like several types of flowers in both of these categories. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that I have no single favourite flower.
Then, I remind myself that I have just planted three different species of one particular flower.
I don’t have a favourite flower, but…
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Quelle jolie fleur que la clématite de toutes les couleurs elle embelliit les coins sombres et s’enroulent délicatement aux barrières et autres fleurs comme le liseron . Les fleurs s’élèvent bien vite car elles aiment avoir la tête au soleil mais n’aiment pas trop la chaleur . Drôle de petites plantes grimpantes, il lui faut peu de place pour vivre et elle est rude et revit si on l’entretient comme il faut . Merci pour ce post .