Not A Single Word

It has been a few days now since I last got inspired to write anything at all.
If it wasn’t for team work, we would most likely not have posted in a few days. Sometimes we all hit a brick wall and must look for inspiration within our soul.
This time my soul had nothing to say, not a single word, not a single thought. Could my soul be giving me the silent treatment?
I was starting to wonder if I would ever write again.
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Really super ………Great……..
Uncanny the timing of some of your posts
Odd. I haven’t finished a short story in three weeks, after writing about forty in the last year. Maybe this lack of writing is due to spring and the onset of warm weather. After a winter of hard work, it’s time to evaluate our results and further direction.out in the garden weeding, I am thinking about the kind of story I would like to tell.
In editing the weeds and overgrown plants in the garden, I get a different kind of spacial enjoyment from editing and honing words on a page.
I’m confident that this experience, for both of us, is a mental reboot, and the words will flow again.
Oh…how I know that feeling. I’m glad to see you back here..and hoping that inspriration has struck!
I always have something to say, but my fingers just don’t want to participate in communicating it.