Tears of a Clown

Tears of a clown
Painted on his face
Making us smile
Making us forget
Tears of a clown
Falling down in pain
Nothing is more real
Laughing to forget
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Tears of a clown
Laughing all the way
Imagining it’s real
Never to forget
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This is absolutely beautiful! I’ve always wondered about clowns – and how happy they really are. Love this!
Nice shots. I know there are more metaphors here…
Beautiful words and photos.
Sometimes it is so true. We paint the semblance of a smile on our face to hide the pain. Sometimes, it actually makes us feel worse because we can remember when the smile wasn’t fake.
Très Joli poème . Derrière le masque , il y a plusieurs visages . Il y a le masque du clown au sourire forcé mais il cache un autre masque celui de l’homme mais nous sommes ce que des masques ; la vérité est au fond de nous mais celui du clown amène le sourire aux enfants qui nous apportent aussi beaucoup de joie .