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April 14, 2012



New growth in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

In this part of the world, the earth is just beginning to wake up.

This spring is special for me because I have only lived in this house for two seasons: late fall and winter. Having moved in November a few months ago means that I have not seen the yard in its full green state. I am sure it’s full of surprises.

On a walk to the nearby park by the lake, I noticed the plants waking up; more surprises to discover over the next few months.

Buds are sprouting. Sprigs are growing. Seeds are germinating.

It’s an exciting time.
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New growth in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

New growth in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

Young plants in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

Young plants in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

Moss in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

Moss in the Parc de la Baie de Valois, Dorval

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  1. Apr 14 2012

    I love the tiny little plants. We have some really soft, small, mossy stuff that grows here and we always call it “velvet” because IT IS so soft. I think it is actually a weed, but I’ve always loved it.

    Great photos!

  2. Apr 16 2012

    Beautiful work!!!!

  3. joelle fourcroy
    Jun 28 2013

    Quelle merveilleuse promenade à faire au début du printemps . La nature reverdit, les mousses délicates se réveillent à chaque pas, les minuscules châtons s’ouvrent à la vie sur chaque brindille . La renaissance est une chose à imiter chez les humains . L’hiver est nécessaire afin que la Nature se repose mais comme il est beau de voir renaitre la Nature autour de nous . erci pour les jolies photos et ce post.

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