Two Great Men

Walking around Kensington Market can be like entering a time machine that can transport you to a world of your choice. On this occasion, I was transported to a time when two great men impressed the world: Che and Bob.
Che Guevara, an Argentine doctor, was full of revolutionary passion and had a vision of a better world leading him to play a key role in the Cuban revolution. I have experienced a short-lived communist government in Chile. I have my own memories and visions of communism.
My head fills with the sound of Bob Marley’s music, the Jamaican musician who with his music gave a voice to the struggles of his people.
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Whether you are a fan of Bob Marley’s music, or a Che Guevara sympathizer, you can’t help but enjoy the colourful feel and messages of Kensington Market.
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Some really cool shots here. That last one with the message on the wall I think would be good as a print.
I wonder how it is in Chili right now, with the ash and what not.