My First Time

Do you remember your first day of school? Or the first time you when to the train station? Some first times you never forget, just like I will never forget my first time posting on this blog.
There is always a first time and sometimes we are presented with a second chance. There are occasions when the second chance is as memorable as the first time. First times and second chances can also apply to buildings.
For instance, the building housing the Hockey Hall of Fame at the corner of Yonge and Front was first built in 1885 by the Bank of Montreal, and used as the Toronto headquarters until 1949. It was 1993 when it got a second chance by becoming what we now know as the Hockey Hall of Fame – a very good second chance if you ask me.
We also have the entrance and ticket lobby of Union Station, first opened 0n August 6, 1927. The ticket lobby is informally known as the Great Hall.
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As you can see, there is always a first time for all the things we do, and there can be a second chance to re-invent oneself just around the corner.
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La dernière photo est magique. Le toît du panthéon est clair, presque illuminé!