Burgeoning Trees

By Stéfan.
I do not meditate. But, sitting on a bench by the lake, surrounded by burgeoning trees, I do get lost in dreamy thoughts.
Burgeoning trees are one of the first signs of the start of the verdant season. In early May, the unfolding buds infuse the landscape with delicate yellows and greens. These shimmery pale hues foretell a lush future.
It is exalting to witness this awakening life. Contemplation comes naturally in such ceremonious surroundings.
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Gorgeous! My favourite is #6 showing the trunk. Of course, they are all lovely Stéfan but I always have my favourite. I just enjoy the contrast of the dark trunk against the vibrant blue and the soft yellow. Breathtaking!
Superbes combinaisons de couleurs et de textures.
I like #3 best the aqua blue lake with the 2 shades of green is fantastic.
These are amazing shots, nice work. Looks very warm and calm.